Tuesday 17 July 2012

Latest on Thora's Rapier Sheath

Over the course of the weekend, while I was resting my injured foot, I was able to finish off all of the dying on Thora's rapier sheath and punch all of the lacing holes. It looks pretty good and is now ready for assembly.

Unfortunately, after getting back from trip out to Zeli's on Saturday (we were in the neighbourhood and I wanted to ask about some materials I'll need for future projects) I realized that I don't have the right colour lacing to finish the project. I do have lacing that can be dyed, but given how much I'll need I don't think that's a viable option in this case. It would take too long, and I'd be concerned that the dye I have would flake off during the lacing process given that its primarily a surface dye.

That means that I need to make an emergency trip back to Zeli's at lunch today to get the right lacing. Once I have it, its just a matter of stitching everything up. It may even be done before we leave for Pennsic.

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